Hey people of my "blogiverse"!Trust you all are doing great?It has been SIX months away from you, my darling readers and supporters. I truly apologize but a lot has been going on and your girl's blog has not been blogging o. ...
Hello Sweetums,How are you all doing these days?Please put your hand up if you still live in Nigeria because the exodus that has been happening from the beginning of this year has been very loud. Hello Sweetums,How are you all doing these days?Please put your hand up if you still live in Nigeria because the exodus that has been happening from the beginning...
Hey Sweetums!!!Happy New Year. Trust the first quarter was as blissful and enjoyable as you hoped?Remember how last year was for restaurants visits for me? I think it has spilled into this year as well. The other day, my friend and I went to Wakame at the Marriott Hotel, Lagos. The ambience, the food, the chef's friendliness and the service of the host that attended to...
I have gone a long while without writing. I used to love to write for no reason. I wrote when I was sad Whether I was happy Maybe excited or even heartbroken ...
Hey sweetums! How are y ’all doing? *inserts my best Wendy Williams’ imitation* Having been gone for a while, I come bearing gifts aka updates about all that I have been up to. ...